The Hardest Foul In America
Cops get called for odd things all of the time but this 911 call resulted in the cop shaking his head…
Pick up Basketball games can get a little out of hand from time to time and that’s when the cops get called in to break things up, this was not one of those times…
A guy during the pick up game actually called the police because he thought he got fouled a little to hard…
From the photo below, the man in black standing to the officer’s right called the police after he was knocked down by a stiff screen. The screen was set by the man in the arm sleeves, and according to the account of the incident it wasn’t even that bad — just an aggressive screen, which was a borderline foul in the first place. But the whiny dude got so upset he decided to call the cops.
Today for the first time in my life...I experienced someone call the police because they got fouled hard in basketball.
— Assistant to the Regional Manager (@_togs) July 17, 2018
Here is the video of how it all went down…