WCSX Classic Cuts : Don’t Stop Believin’
WCSX Classic Cuts
Journey: “Don’t Stop Believin'”
The Hook: Singer Steve Perry thinks it “couldn’t have been better.” Its enduring popularity bears him out.
Year: 1981
Album: Escape
Writers: Jonathan Cain, Steve Perry, Neal Schon
Stats: Reached number-nine on Billboard’s Hot 100 singles chart in 1981. As of 2011, it had sold more than five-million digital downloads and more than a million ringtones.
Background: A classic that has only become more popular through the years, the song’s appearance over the closing credits of the final episode of The Sopranos cemented its place in both TV and music history. Singer Steve Perry thinks it deserves the accolades.
Former Journey singer Steve Perry shares his feelings on “Don’t Stop Believin’.” OC:…for me. :12
“God, that song to me, I think, is one of the best rock ‘n’ roll songs. I’m just really pleased the way that song turned out. There ain’t nothing about that song that could be better for me.”