WCSX Classic Cuts : Forever Young
WCSX Classic Cuts
Bob Dylan: “Forever Young”
The Hook: The Band’s late bassist Rick Danko remembered tearing up after cutting the slow version on Friday, then coming back to cut a fast one first thing the next Monday.
Album: Forever Young
Year: 1974
Writer: Bob Dylan
Stats: Never released as a single, it’s since become a standard.
Background: In a 1980s interview, Rick Danko, the late bassist of The Band, shared a couple of fond memories of Bob Dylan’s “Forever Young.” One was of backing Dylan on two versions of it in November, 1973; the other, of hearing it on July 4th, 1976.
In a 1980s interview, the late bassist of The Band, Rick Danko, on “Forever Young.” OC:…Forever Young. :30
“When the big boats came into New York harbor and the show was going off the air and they were rolling the credits, which was seen in like 200 countries around the world, they were playing ‘Forever Young.’ And if you remember, on Planet Waves we did a slow version and we did a fast version. ‘Cause after we cut the first version my tears started welling up and I walked to the door, jumped in my car and drove back to the beach. It was the weekend, right? And the first thing we cut when we got back together on Monday was a fast version of ‘Forever Young.’”