WCSX Classic Cuts : Synchronicity II
WCSX Classic Cuts
The Police: “Synchronicity II”
The Hook: Guitarist Andy Summers says he deserves some credit for enabling Sting to write “Synchronicity II.”
Album: Synchronicity
Year: 1983
Writer: Sting
Stats: Peaked at number-16 on the Billboard Hot 100.
Background: Sting gets full credit for writing “Synchronicity II,” a hit song based on writings by the Swiss psychotherapist Carl Jung, and maybe he should. But Police guitarist Andy Summers says he made it possible.
Andy Summers of The Police on his role in writing “Synchronicity II.” OC:…excuse me. [Heh heh.] :20
“I’ll take credit for that, because I’m the one who gave him the bloody book to start with, ‘cause I was actually in Jungian therapy in London and I gave him the book Memories, Dreams and Reflections to read. Then, you know, he picked it up. What he did was turn it into a song. But I gave him that book, I remember. Can I just get a 10 percent here — excuse me.”