WCSX Classic Cuts : Hot Legs
WCSX Classic Cuts
Rod Stewart: “Hot Legs”
The Hook: Rod was too drunk during that period to remember how or why he wrote it.
Album: Footloose and Fancy Free (1977)
Writer: Rod Stewart
Stats: Reached number-28 on the Billboard Hot 100.
Background: Rod admits that all he can recall about writing “Hot Legs” is that it happened in a hotel during a tour of Australia. He says he sometimes thinks, “How did I write that song? What drove me to write it?”
Rod Stewart on writing “Hot Legs” OC:…write it. :20
“I was in Australia when that was written. Yeah, we wrote that in a hotel in Australia, in those rampant ’70s days. I can’t remember too much about that though, I can’t remember too much about the ’70s really ’cause I was really drunk most of the time so those memories have gone down the toilet, those ones. I sometimes think, How did I write that song and what drove me to write it?.”