Saving a Life “The Office” Style
There’s a famous scene from “The Office” where Michael Scott takes a CPR lesson, and the instructor tells him to perform chest compression to the beat of “Stayin’ Alive” by The Bee Gees. And, of course, it devolves into chaos. Well . . . that scene literally just saved a life.
There’s a 21-year-old guy named Cross Scott . . . no relation to Michael Scott . . . in Tucson, Arizona. And he was driving earlier this month when he saw a woman who was unconscious in her car.
He broke the window with a rock and found the woman didn’t have much of a pulse, so he knew he needed to try CPR. And . . . that scene from “The Office” popped into his head.
So he started performing chest compressions on the woman to the tune of “Stayin’ Alive” . . . and after about a minute, the woman took a breath and threw up.
The paramedics arrived a few minutes later, and they told Cross if he hadn’t jumped in, things could’ve gone VERY differently.
Here is the scene from “The Office”