Unfortunate Timing…
During the NFL plays the ref’s have been in question the whole time, especially during the LA Rams games, even being accused of rigging their games. This Tweet will not help their cause…
Check out the Tweet the NFL put out yesterday, it shows the officials setting up the replay booth with the Ram end zone in the background.
We’re here in Atlanta setting up to make Mercedes-Benz Stadium Super Bowl Central. #SBLIII pic.twitter.com/HvVeIwQtat
— NFL Officiating (@NFLOfficiating) January 28, 2019
People took to the post with some brilliant comments…
One guy simply said: “Good Luck with this Tweet”
Tony asked: Setting up a Game? Just like in New Orleans?
Brandon said: “Waste of money on all that technology. Should invest in seeing eye dogs”
Frank said: “Next time try setting up for the nfc championship game, maybe you won’t blow it so bad”
Cee asked: “Who did Roger tell y’all to help win for this one?”
Devin wants to know: LOL. Did the officials from LA fly on the Rams plane?
Jared said: “If there was ever a Twitter account that should be deleted, it’s this one. Tempted to report it because it literally offends me”
David asked: Are you guys going to wear blindfolds like last week???