15,000 Birthday Wishes
A man in New Jersey has received more than 15,000 messages and calls thanks to an elaborate prank put together by his sons…
Nick’s birthday was the 16th but days before he was already receiving well wishes from complete strangers like ‘Nick’ who recently contacted wishing him a happy birthday. Ferry asked how the guy knew it was his birthday. Nick told him “I saw it on a billboard.”
Ferry’s face and phone number are both listed on the giant billboard as you drive the Black Horse Pike into Atlantic City toward the casinos. It says, “Wish my dad happy birthday, love your sons.”
“I’m going with it,” said Ferry. “I’m having a good time. Most of the messages have been … well two or three that were not nice.”
As far as if their dad will ever get them back?
“I would love to see him try,” said Mike Ferry. “I just want to say I love my dad. He always puts other people first, especially me and my brother.”
The billboard will stay up until April 6.