Happy National Fragrance Day!
It’s National Fragrance Day. And do you know what that means? Honestly . . . we’re not sure either. Literally everything has to have its own day now. Anyway, we came across a fun survey to go with it.
Today is National Fragrance Day. A recent survey found our favorite smells are fresh-cut grass, coffee, bacon, clean laundry, and cake. And the top smells we hate are B.O., sour milk, mold, sweat, and stagnant water.
2,000 people were asked to name their favorite smell, and also the #1 smell they hate.
Our top ten favorite smells are:
Fresh-cut grass
Clean laundry
Fresh air
Fried food
The ocean
Christmas trees.
A few that just missed the top ten are chocolate, barbecue, and baby powder.
The top ten smells we HATE are:
Body odor
Sour milk
Stagnant water
Dirty socks
Other dirty clothes
Damp walls
And this is interesting: There was one smell that almost made BOTH lists. Gasoline ranked 11th on the list of smells we love . . . and 15th on the list of smells we hate.