Naked Mannequin Party
A Santa Rosa man staged a naked mannequin party to annoy his neighbor…
/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1108107188147355648& Windus. It's been four day since he put up the garden party.
— Wayne Freedman (@WayneFreedman) March 19, 2019
"I'm waiting. If they didn't like the fence, how do they like this?" Neighbors love it. All except the one who initially complained. #Abc7now #santaRosa #SonomaCounty
After a cranky neighbor forced him to cut down his view-restricting fence, a Santa Rosa man has gotten revenge by giving the complainer something to look at.
Jason Windus has staged what he calls “a naked party” in his back yard, featuring a family of clothes-less mannequins lounging around on lawn furniture. The display is for the benefit of his neighbor, who’d complained to the city that Windus’ new fence — which he’d put up to contain his dogs — exceeded the legal maximum height of 36 inches.
/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1108089353350205440&'m just making a point," said Jason. #abc7now #SantaRosa
— Wayne Freedman (@WayneFreedman) March 19, 2019
“They were going to fine me every day it wasn’t taken down,” says Windus, who ended up trimming down the fence with a large saw. “I guess the average person would get angry and cop resentment? I throw a naked party in my yard.”
Check out all the photos below!
And then there’s this $2.8 million “Flintstone House” in Hillsborough, California… Complete with a giant “Yabba Dabba Doo” sign!
It has all the required permits, but has been called a “highly visible eyesore” as neighbors.
The owner has paid the $200 fines associated with the building violations on the , it appears she has not removed any of the items in question.
Trouble is brewing at the “Flintstone House,” but this time Fred, Wilma, Pebbles and Dino have nothing to do with it.
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) March 18, 2019