Door Dash Taste Test
Ordering food from a restaurant and having it delivered to you is a great option to have, but it does come with some unwanted risks…
A family was shocked after they looked on the door bell camera and saw the door dash delivery driver take a sip from their sons milkshake.
The Malhotras didn’t know what had happened until the next morning when they checked their doorbell camera footage, “I looked at it and saw the driver who delivered the food was sipping out of my son’s Cold Stone,” Rajesh Malhotra said.
Malhotra said he likes buying delivery but now he’s going to think twice before placing his next order. “I was like, ‘Woah, that’s crazy,'” Malhotr recalled. “How could someone jeopardize the project like that, especially food?”
The shake was for 14-year-old Rishab Malhotra. “I felt very disgusted by what happened,” Richab said. He said he enjoyed his cookies and cream milkshake until the next day when he learned he wasn’t the only one who tried his drink. “My dad told me to check out the video from last night, and once I checked it out, I brushed my teeth five or six times. And then I felt very disgusted,” Richab explained.
The Malhotras said they’re glad no one got sick from the incident but the experience left them with a sour taste.
The homeowner said he reported the incident to the company the next day and even provided a copy of the video, that was more than two weeks ago and they are still waiting to hear back from Door Dash.