Daniel Clark Jr. We Care
Daniel Clark Jr. of Lincoln Park was working on the I-75 construction at Long Lake Road in Troy Wednesday morning when a co-worker backed into him.
“(He) didn’t realize that Dan was behind the truck. I guess there’s two bumpers on those big industrial trucks and Dan was drug about 5 feet between those two bumpers,” said Daniel’s ex-wife Julia Clark, the mother of one of his three children. “Two of his lungs were collapsed, his ribs are completely broken, pelvis broken. So they did two emergency surgeries to try and stop the internal bleeding.”
Troy police responded to the accident by 9:30 Wednesday morning.
Clark was rushed to Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak where the family says his vitals are touch and go.
According to his ex-wife, Clark had been laid off during the winter, and as a single father to two of his three children, having lost their mother to cancer, the construction job was a chance get back on his feet.
“He started with the new company on Monday so he was actually only three days into the job when this accident happened,” Julia said.
Clark’s son Peter describes first finding out about the accident.
“First thing my aunt did is start crying,” Peter said. “I first thought he had died because that’s how I found my mom had died. Everyone started crying.”
“I lost my mom about six years ago from leukemia and my dad stepped up to be both parents pretty much ever since then,” added Peter’s sister Alli Clark. “He’s a hard worker,”
A GoFundMe page has been set up to help the family. To donate, click here .