List: 12 Days of Xmas Cost For 2019
Here is the breakdown of the 364 items…
NBC says the price index for 2019 is $38,993.59, which is an increase of .2% from last year. It would cost $170,298 to purchase all 364 gifts listed in the song.
One Partridge And A Pear Tree, $217.17; down 4.5% from last year
Two turtle doves, $300; down 20% from last year
Three French hens, $181.50; same as last year
Four calling birds (canaries), $599.96; same as last year
Five gold rings, $825; up 10% from last year
Six geese a-laying, $420; up 7.7% from last year
Seven swans a-swimming, $13,125; same as last year
Eight maids a-milking, $58; same as last year
Nine ladies dancing , $7,552.84; same as last year
10 lords a-leaping, $10,000; same as last year
11 pipers piping, $2,748.87; up .8% from last year
12 drummers drumming, $2,972.25; up .8% from last year