Daily Dumbass for 1/14/20
At least if you’re going to come up with a lie for why you’re late to work, make it one that can’t be undone by zooming in on a photo…
A woman named Sydney Whitson in Norman, Oklahoma tweeted last week about one of her coworkers who was late to work and said it was because she had a flat tire. And the woman even sent her boss a picture of a nail in a tire.
But there were two BIG problems. One, if you zoom in on the photo, it’s obvious that the picture is Photoshopped . . . the nail looks incredibly fake.
And two, if you do a Google search for “nail in tire,” it’s literally the first photo that comes up.
Sydney’s tweet is now going viral . . . but so far, we don’t have an update on whether her coworker was fired.
my coworker called in (yet again) and said she had a nail on her tire that caused her to have a flat. i need everyone to stop what they’re doing and ZOOM IN TO THE NAIL IN THE PICTURE SHE SENT MY BOSS pic.twitter.com/4NcJGuvF4F
— sydney (@sydneyywhitson) January 8, 2020