Celebrate St. Patty’s Day from Home
If you’re bummed to be spending St. Patrick’s Day at home this year, here are a few tips to help you celebrate while social distancing . . .
☘️ Watch some Irish movies. “Harper’s Bazaar” posted a list of more than 20 good ones you can look for on various streaming services. And Screenrant.com ranked the ten best St. Patrick’s Day SITCOM episodes of all time.
☘️ Attend a virtual St. Patrick’s Day party. The Milwaukee Irish Fest is the largest Irish event in North America. They’ll be live-streaming performances and videos on social media. Also, the Dropkick Murphys are streaming a show live from Boston with no audience. (Distractify.com has a list with a few more.)
☘️ If you’ve got kids, lean heavily on arts and crafts. They’ll need something to do that won’t require going anywhere. And you want it to take a while, so YOU can relax. “Woman’s Day” posted a list of 35 ideas you can check out. And YouTube and Spotify have a ton of traditional Irish music you can stream while you get crafty.
☘️ Brush up on your Irish-American history. About 33 million Americans have Irish ancestors. So it might be a good day to check out sites like Ancestry.com. The website IrishTimes.com has a good guide for getting started.
☘️ Cook some Irish food. Delish.com has a ton of recipes. Just don’t DRINK too much. Alcohol weakens your immune system, which is exactly what you don’t want right now. It’s not clear what a “safe” amount looks like. So definitely dial it back this year. Maybe try some green Kool-Aid?
☘️ Take a St. Patrick’s Day quiz…