Ten More “Good News” Stories from the Coronavirus Outbreak
More and more inspiring stories surrounding the outbreak are popping up. Here are ten new ones we’ve seen . .
1. All over the country, people have started putting their CHRISTMAS LIGHTS back up. A woman on Twitter said her dad explained it in one sentence. Quote, “The world needs this right now.” (Check out some of the photos.)
2. Two 20-somethings in New York have been enlisting volunteers to help deliver groceries and medicine to the elderly, and other people who can’t go out. And in the first 72 hours, 1,300 people signed up. They’re calling the group “Invisible Hands.”
3. The owner of a pizza place in Connecticut has been making two trips a day to deliver free pizzas to his local hospital.
4. A woman in Spain had to celebrate her 80th birthday while self-isolating. So her neighbors surprised her by singing “Happy Birthday” from their windows and balconies.
5. An IKEA store in Sweden found 50,000 face masks in one of their warehouses and donated them all to a nearby hospital.
6. There could be a shortage of ventilators soon. So over 300 engineers got together on Facebook and started something called the “Open Source Ventilator” project. The goal was to come up with something people could build out of readily available materials and 3-D printed parts. Now a week later, they’ve already got a prototype.
7. Trader Joe’s has had a huge uptick in business for obvious reasons. So they’re handing out bonuses to help their employees.
8. Right before St. Patrick’s Day, the makers of Jameson Irish Whiskey donated half-a-million dollars to the U.S. Bartenders’ Guild to help bartenders get through the crisis.
9. Burger King will be giving away free kid’s meals . . . two per parent . . . to make sure kids have something to eat. It’s not clear if they’ve started yet, but you’ll be able to order online or through their app. They’re also doing free delivery.
10. And if you need help homeschooling your kids, Scholastic.com is now offering free online courses. And Google’s “Arts & Culture” page has 2,500 museums you can explore online.