List: The Scariest Band to Fight
Someone on Twitter posed an interesting question this week: “If band names were LITERAL, what would be the scariest band to fight?
The If band names were literal, what would be the scariest band to fight?
I'm torn between Megadeth and 10,000 Maniacs.
Here are our favorites:
1. A Flock of Seagulls . . . to which the person added that it happened once to them, and, quote, “I Ran.” (HI-YO!)
2. Reel Big Fish
3. The Police . . . which probably got REAL for some people.
4. The Rolling Stones . . . adding, quote, “I mean, how many would there be? How big are they? It could be scary.”
5. Nine Inch Nails
6. Poison
7. Fine Young Cannibals
8. The Dead Kennedys
9. Meatloaf
10. Someone said, quote, “I don’t want to find out what a Hoobastank is.”
11. Quote, “Not sure I’d want to stand toe to toe with The Sex Pistols.”
12. Quote, “The Cranberries would put up quite the fight against a UTI.”
13. Quote, “T. Rex would be a tough out. Wouldn’t even want to tangle with Dinosaur Jr.”
14. Franz Ferdinand . . . because, quote, “if you win, then it triggers a world war.”
15. The Alan Parsons Project . . . quote, “It could be anything. Could be a book. Could be a spice rack. Could be some sort of doomsday machine. All I know is I’m not willing to roll the dice.”
16. Presidents of the United States of America
17. (Careful) Butthole Surfers . . . “seems pretty intimidating.”
18. Slayer
19. They Might Be Giants . . . “because you don’t know.”
20. A-ha . . . “will always have the element of surprise.”
21. The Zombies
22. Earth, Wind & Fire
23. Foo Fighters
24. Anthrax
24. War
25. Wham!
26. The Backstreet Boys
27. The Animals . . . “I guess that’s *all* of them.”
28. The Killers
And of course, the BEST response was: …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead, which is one of the best band names of all time.
One person even suggested these for the LEAST scary:
1. Korn
2. Cake
3. Blind Melon
4. Limp Bizkit