Photo: Macaroni and Cheese on Tap
We don’t know if this is real or not. But if you introduce a groundbreaking concept like this, you almost have to follow through…
There’s a rumor online that the food company Stouffer’s is working on a machine that serves macaroni-and-cheese on TAP.
A reporter in Cleveland tweeted about it, and a bunch of news stations picked it up. But then the tweet got pulled down. Some guy also tweeted out a rendering of what a mac-on-tap machine might look like. And Stouffer’s responded.
Their tweet said, “Would you look at that,” almost like they were just seeing it for the first time. Then he tweeted back and offered to beta test it for them. And they said, “We’ll keep you in mind.” What all that means, we don’t know. But if they do come out with mac-and-cheese on tap, it sounds like there’s a market.