Video: Young Man Rocks Journey on a Antique Shop’s Piano
It all started when a young man walked into an antique shop in Massachusetts and asked to play the piano they had. He was first told no and then explained that he could play, the owner gave in and said go ahead and thankfully someone was video taping it…
John Thomas Archer, a 23-year-old architecture student, was shopping at ReMARKable Cleanouts Saturday afternoon when he spotted an old piano inside the antique store.
“It’s against my desk and people are constantly pounding on it, so we put a ‘Do not play’ sign on it,” said Melissa Rediker, who works at the store. “He said he knew how to play it and asked if he could, so I said sure.”
Archer sat down at the piano and started playing “Don’t Stop Believin” by Journey — the first song he ever learned on the instrument.
He said he didn’t really notice when customers started to gather around him.
“When I play piano, I tune things out and just focus on what I’m creating,” he said. “It’s my way of releasing thoughts and emotions in a creative way.”
The video quickly went viral, gaining more than 12,000 views on Facebook and over 360,000 views on Twitter in just a few days.
Archer went back to the shop Wednesday morning to meet Waters, who wasn’t there for Sunday’s performance but saw the video and said he was “stunned” by the young man’s talent. Archer also gave the Internet an encore during the visit; this time playing “All of Me,” by John Legend.