Video: Prison Food Fridays
Have you ever wondered what people in prison do when they want a good meal? Thanks to a very popular cook book and we now know and will be trying a new recipe every Friday!
Friday 8/21
This week Ryan will be making prison chocolate cake..Here is what you need!
1 pack of Chips Ahoy
1 pack of Oreos
1 carton of milk
1 container of mayo
Here is how it’s made:
This we were are trying out Prison Tamales..Here is how it went.
And after the concoction “cooked” Big Jim and Ryan were brave enough to give it a try…
Prison Ramen: Recipes and Stories From Behind Bars by Clifton Collins Jr. & Gustavo “Goose” Alvarez is a cook book that was created by a man who spent time in prison to show everyday people how to make some “good” prison food…
Here is the video for Prison Tamale’s…We even made our own.