Viral Revenge
A woman was reading The New York Times when she noticed an engagement announcement from her ex husband. After reading it was his first wedding and how long they had been together, she came to the conclusion that her ex had cheated on her with his now fiancee.
So naturally, she took to social media and blasted her ex for cheating on her and lying to his current partner.
This story started a discussion in-studio about how appropriate her actions were…
From her point of view, she feels hurt and lied to but shouldn’t she just move on and let it go? Or, does she have every right to publically blast her ex on social media and hopefully alert this new girl about the kind of guy he is?
We have mixed opinions…. Maybe you can help! What do you think? How would you react if you were the woman who got cheated on or the cheating ex? And what about the new fiancee?