St. Clair Shores Factoids – CSX City of the Week
Congratulations to St. Clair Shores,
You’re the WCSX City of the Week
St. Clair Shores factoids
St. Clair Shores was inhabited by French settlers as early as 1710, during which time the area was referred to as L’anse Creuse.
Although settles by French and German immigrants, it would become part of Orange Township, then Erin Township after Irish settlers who had moved into the region and were a growing political influence.
During Prohibition, St. Clair Shores location made it a favorite spot for rum runners. It was also home to roadhouses, blind pigs (speak easy), and gambling establishments. #ballers
St. Clair Shores was home to the Jefferson Beach Amusement Park from 1927 to 1959. It once boasted the longest roller coaster in the United States as well as midway attractions, a large dance pavilion and sandy beaches. A fire in 1955 along with lessened popularity sped up the demise of Jefferson Beach. In 1959, the rest of the attractions were demolished to make room for the expanding Jefferson Beach Marina.
Before becoming a city in 1951, St. Clair Shores was recognized as the largest village in the United States.
St. Clair Shores annually hosts one of the largest, most attended, and longest running Memorial Day parades in the Midwestern United States; featuring both local, regional, and national participants with annual attendance often approaching 100,000 spectators.
St. Clair Shores is home to the longest, consecutively running preliminary program pageant of the Miss America Organization in Michigan and among the longest running in the United States.
Bob Seger, Iggy POP and The MC5 all played venues in St. Clair Shores including Shirley’s Swinger Lounge and The Crow’s Nest East. Car City Records was also a well known destination for members of the Detroit music scene. After nearly 30 years of business, Car City Records closed in 2011.