Top 10 Most Uplifting Classic Rock Songs
With the division in our country right now, I thought it would be a great time for this list. Two of the many things I love about classic rock: the way it makes me feel and how it tells a story. I hope that we, as a community, remember that we live our lives together. We help on our family, friends and neighbors and hope that they do the same for us. Everyone needs a hand now and then…. regardless of party affiliation. Much love to you, my family, friends and neighbors.
These are my top ten songs when I need a lift. – Doni
Give a Little Bit – Supertramp
Not asking for much, just a little bit of your love. This song brings me sunshine on the cloudiest day.
I Won’t Back Down – Tom Petty
I get goosebumps whenever I even think of this song. Tom is fighting the good fight and standing up for what he believes in… even if it takes him to the gates of Hell.
Don’t Stop Believin’ – Journey
No matter how many times I’ve heard this song, it stands up. Since its release in 1981, this song has provided strength to winners and losers alike.
Let It Be – The Beatles
This isn’t a pump up song, it’s a calm down song but also uplifting. Sometimes the best thing we can do for ourselves is to “Let It Be.” Why is meant time happen will happen and we need to find peace with that.
Right Now – Van Halen
It’s GO time on this epic piece of classic rock. Don’t wait for things to happen to you, get out there and get it done, right now.
Heroes – David Bowie
From the first lines of, “I, I will be king. And you, you will be queen,” David Bowie takes us on a journey where anything is possible.
Eye of the Tiger – Survivor
Sometimes you need to get pumped up. This song does it better than any other. Inspirational and uplifting, you feel the power.
No Rain – Blind Melon
“All I can do is pour some tea for two and speak my point of view but it’s not sane.” Looking for acceptance even when viewpoints are different. This song makes me happy.
Mr. Blue Sky – ELO
Even Sir Paul McCartney says this is one of his favorite songs. “Hey you with the pretty face, welcome to the human race.” Mr. Blue Sky let’s us know “today is the day we’ve waited for”
AC/DC – Back in Black
“I’ve been too long, I’m glad I’m back.” AC/DC doesn’t politely knock, they kick the door in to announce that they have entered the room. This is the ultimate in rock and roll swagger and I love it.