Journey’s Frontiers Debuted Today in 1983
Journey’s 8th studio album “Frontiers” was released on this date in 1983, so were taking a look back at some historic moments that featured the album…
First let’s take a look back the arcade game that was based off of the albums title. Journey’s 1983 Bally Midway Arcade game.
The game quickly became a staple at local arcades. Bally/Midway decided to ride this wave of the bands popularity by creating an arcade game based on the group. Its release was intended to coincide with a US tour by the band.
The objective of Journey is to reunite the members of the band with their instruments (and singer Steve Perry with his microphone). Each instrument is located on a different planet, and the musician must first reach the instrument, then make it back to the band’s ship without running into an obstacle. Each musician’s stage presents a different challenge.
The second connection with the album:
After replacing Steve Perry in Febuary of 2007 Arnel Pinada sang “Edge of the Blade” as his first live song with the band..Oh yeah…It happened to be in Chili in front of over 100,000 people.
According the Arnel it took the whole band to get him out on the stage that night!