Warrren Factoids – City of the Week
Congratulations to Warren,
You’re the WCSX City of the Week!
Waren Factoids:
- Warren has been known by a few names over their history. It’s been known as Orange Township, Hickory Township, then called Aba in 1838 for one year only. In 1839, they changed it again to Warren Township. It became the Warren that we now know when they incorporated as a city in 1956.
- Prior to the 1930’s Warren had many beet, cranberry and rhubarb farms. It was still so rural that they even had problems with wild bears and wolves, and the local township board paid bounties for each one killed.
- In the 1930’s, Warren started to becoming an industrial power house with the additions of The Rotary Electric Steel plant, Dodge Truck, General Electric factories and the Detroit Tank Arsenal. In fact, Warren produced the vast majority of tanks that helped the Allies win World War Two!
- Today Warren is home to the General Motors Tech Center, U.S. Automotive Tank Command / Detroit Arsenal, and Macomb County Community College.
- The slogan of Warren fits the city very well- “ City of Progress.”