Video: The Exploding Whale
Over the past month there has been multiple gray whales that have washed to shore. The question as to why has yet to be answered but we wanted to look back at the time they blew up a dead whale and things went south…
You may remember the story of the 45-foot, 8-ton whale that washed to shore in Oregon in 1970, now there is a park dedicated to the Exploding Whale…
In 1970, a whale washed to shore on the Oregon coastline, the town didn’t know what to do so they got some dynamite and blew the whale up. The problem was, they used to many explosives and the boom sent whale blubber everywhere, raining down on the people watching.
Here is the video from a local news station:
The small town decided to pay tribute to the whale this week by dedicating a park in it’s name. Welcome to the “Exploding Whale” park.
Residents voted to dedicate a park after the 1970 blast, choosing “Exploding Whale Memorial Park” as the name for the recreational area in the city, which is about 130 miles southwest of Portland.
More than half of the final tally — 439 out of 856 responses — voted for “Exploding Whale Memorial Park,”