What Do YOU See?
I really hate the giant cottonwood in my backyard… and so do my neighbors. This time of year, it HEAPS chunks of branches, leaves and ungodly amounts of cotton down on my yard and into my neighbor’s pool. This morning, when I let my dog, Biscuit, out, I noticed this piece that reminded me of a Rorschach (ink blot) test. So I ask you again, “What do YOU see?” Here’s the image again:
I asked this on Facebook too, so I could get a sampling of answers without revealing my own. I saw…
A rooster. Out of the responses on FB, the most popular answer by far was a rooster/chicken, but some people got WAY MORE creative… my favorite “An elephant head” and “a squirrel.” City of the Week’s Joel Morgan saw “a halibut fish.” Joel is a unique guy. I don’t know what Rorschach would think of this, but I found it interesting! What did you see? Join the conversation on Facebook!