Replacing Band Names With Food
This conversation come up on the show and took off! Think of some bands that you could turn their name into food…Example: Fleetwood Mac and Cheese…Here are some more and suggestions from listeners.
Here is the example we shared on Facebook:
Check out some of our wonderful listener suggestions:
Grand Funk Ratatouille
The Almond Biscuit Band
Tom Petty & the Cakemakers
Deep Purple Eggplant
Grateful Bread
Dairy Queen
Pantera Bread
Rolling Scones
Def Pepper
Boston Cream
Skid roll
Shish kaBob Sege
Bread Zeppelin
Macaroon 5
ZZ Pop
Alan Parsnip Project
Allman Milk Brothers
Average White Bread
Blood Sweat and Beers
Mitch Ryder and The Detroit Wieners
Pastry Cline
Crash Test Gummies
Crosby Stills and Hash
David Lee Broth
Emerson Lake and Pancakes
Glenn Fried Steak
Sloppy Joe Walsh
John Lemon and Yoko Onion
Hey It’s Ryan, let me start off by saying…YES, I was born and raised in Wixom, Michigan although a lot of listeners like to joke that I am from Arizona. WCSX has always been my radio home, I have been at the station since I was a 23-year-old intern, co-host of Big Jim’s House, married with kids. Family and radio are what I love, but don’t get me started on golf!
Like some, I have become obsessed with golf and you can hear all about that on “The Ball Washer Pod” right here on WCSX. One of my other passions is helping out the Vets. Since coming to WCSX I have been apart of raising hundreds of thousands for local vet groups. Other than that, I am a goofy guy, loving life, my family and talking to you on the radio. Ryan writes about golf, family and what happens on “Big Jim’s House.”