Help feed the hungry when processing your deer
Michigan hunters can choose to help feed the hungry this year by participating in The Michigan Sportsmen Against Hunger program.
The Michigan Sportsmen Against Hunger program is an all volunteer, 501c3 nonprofit organization working in coordination with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the State of Michigan, to incorporate participating licensed game processors throughout the state as drop off locations for Whitetail Deer harvested by hunters during the hunting season, as well as Deer taken during Deer Management practices by selected contractors or special groups.
There are two different ways a hunter who wishes to participate in the MSAH program, can donate game at these MSAH participating processors;
• Give-A- Pound – successful hunters who have their deer processed at a participating MSAH processing facility, have an option when they pay for their processing to donate a pound or more of their processed deer at that facility to be distributed to local Food Banks, Pantries and Shelters.
• Whole Deer Donations – successful hunters who drop off and donate their whole deer at a participating MSAH processing facility will have the deer processed at NO COST to them. The processor turns the venison into ground burger and is reimbursed through the MSAH fund for their work in the finished product. The venison burger is distributed to local Food Banks, Pantries and Shelters The reimbursement amount MSAH processors receive is $1.75 per processed pound of venison since October 14, 2020.