Hello? Is anyone here? Ghost BK
There have been a lot of issues with staffing shortages during the pandemic. But for one Burger King, it wasn’t just a shortage . . . it was a FULL-ON OUTAGE.
A guy walked into a Burger King in Pittsburgh on Friday, and no one was there. He went through the drive-thru . . . then walked inside . . . and even opened the door to the kitchen. The whole place was completely empty . . . in the afternoon.
The local news caught wind of it, and they say that only ONE PERSON showed up to work that day . . . and when they saw they were alone, they QUIT on the spot, apparently without locking the door on their way out.
A manager eventually showed up to lock the place until it could be staffed.
A Burger King rep is downplaying the problem. They say the shift leader had to leave due to a family emergency . . . sent the team home . . . and the door was inadvertently left unlocked.
But a local official says it might be a sign of the times . . . a lot of people left the workforce during the pandemic . . . and businesses will have to adapt.