Back to School..Back To School
It’s that time of year again, some kids are already back to school, some starting this week and some are enjoying their last week of summer.
It is an adjustment period for a lot of families are kids make their way back to school. If you need a little help as a parent getting the kids up for their first day back, take it from this dad who had the solution!
Growing up I always loved the first day of school, at least until I was in High School. I have always had one question, why does high school and middle school start their days before Elementary schools? Little kids are the ones who like to get up early and get their day going right? Little kids should start earlier and High School should start around 10 am everyday!
What are the things you remember about the first day of school? For me it was a great opportunity to see and catch up with people I haven’t seen in a few months. I also was excited to get the sports season going!
Finding Your Class:
One thing I will never forget is getting into your classes on the first day. I always couldn’t wait to see who was in your class and where you were going to sit for the period. I remember a few different times making sure my buddies and I ran late to our first class just to make sure we could try and sit by each other, the teachers were always smart though and made sure to separate us!
Hell, I remember a few classes where the teacher made me sit right next to her desk. If you could believe it, I have a little issues when it comes to talking to much and trying to be entertaining.
Always, good luck to everyone making their return to the classroom and school this week!