A Roller Coaster Nightmare
I think we all know someone who would or has acted like this on a fast roller coaster!
I don’t think this guy knew he was afraid of rollercoasters, until he rode one. As soon as the ride starts moving, he screams his head off, and never stops.
If you are this guy, you are terrified but if you are his friends, you just found something to make fun of him for the rest of his life!
Here is the video of the poor guy. Also, is there anything worse than someone telling you “you’ll be fine”
Some of you may feel for this guy, I am sure some of you have also been this guy!
One of the strangest things to me is my ability to ride roller coasters even though I hate heights! I really feel bad for this guy, the fear that must of came over him is clearly uncontrollably overwhelming and his friends are not helping out at all!
Quick Cedar Point story. I will never forget the time we were on the Mantis and a guy at on the first row pretended that his seat was broken and he was going to fall out. That was for sure the wildest time I have ever had a Cedar Point. One of the workers came running up the ladder, only to find out that the guy was joking around!
Speaking of roller coasters, there was some major news out of Cedar Point this year. They announced that after 19 years and 18 million rides, the Top Thrill Dragster will be closing and making room for a bigger, badder coaster.
Here is some more information on that!

Courtesy of Cedar Point