Baby Finnian Tries Oatmeal For The First Time
This was a time my wife and I were waiting for! Real food for the baby!!
So finally my son Finnian has hit the 5 month mark which means we can finally give him real food! I guess, you call this real food. For the first time we gave Finnian formula downed oatmeal.
It went just about as good as we and everyone thought it would go. At first Finnian had no idea what the hell was going on, he would take the oatmeal then smile. The oatmeal would then come falling out of his mouth.
For his mother and I, this experience was something we couldn’t wait for, which made it funny when it only lasted a few minutes. Finnian did not enjoy his first time eating, which was expected but it let us down a little bit because of the excitement of finally being able to do it.
Here is the combination video of Finnian trying food for the first time.
No as you saw he was not a fan to start, but if he is my son he will end up loving food and eat anything he can get his hands on!
It really is cool to see the progression of what he is able to do. I swear that every other day my wife and I notice him doing something new, something he has never done before.
For example, just yesterday he ate food for the first time and rolled back and forth like 5 times in a row. He is also starting to really be able to focus.
When it comes down to it, I love being a dad and cannot wait to see what else he surprises me with.

baby finn cracking up
Again, thank you to everyone who has reached out with advice and comments about being a parent. We read it all and love it all!
Here is another post I did earlier and love! It was when Finnian found his voice!