Michigan Residents Have Peak Life Satisfaction at This Age
At what age do you think Michigan residents are the happiest? There’s a new study out that tells all when it comes to the age that those living in the Mitten are at peak life satisfaction.
Mixbook.com has released an interactive map showing peak life satisfaction in each state. “Are we ever truly satisfied in life? Judging by the way many of us go about it, you might have a hard time believing that to be true,” they state in the study. “We are continuously searching for more – more money, a better job, the ideal partner, the perfect house, a new wardrobe, vacations…But the truth is, we can actually find satisfaction in life, and it happens to peak at different times for different people. So, when do people find satisfaction?”
Mixbook is a technology platform that powers storytelling with photo books. For the study, they surveyed 3,442 respondents aged 65 and over.
So, where is Michigan? The study discovered that the average Michigan resident finds their peak life satisfaction at the age of 43. That’s compared to a national average of age 44. “Traditionally, by that time, many have a family, an established career, a stable home, and hopefully, a decent income which they can spend on little luxuries such as vacations, a car, dining out, etc.,” they note in the study. You know what this makes me think? If you’re living in another state where your age group has already reached peak life satisfaction, but under the age of 46, you might as well move over to Michigan and enjoy that peak year.
You can view the interactive map here and compare Michigan to other states. I just noticed that Montana’s peak life satisfaction age is 55. Wow. That’s by far the oldest age in the study. Find the full study and more information on Mixbook here.