Who Wants To Buy A Murder House?!
If you are looking for a new house and are into blood stained kitchens, this may be the house for you!
Zillow Gone Wild is one of the best follows on Twitter you can find. We have seen some wild houses on their page, but this one may be the weirdest.
Check out the photos from this Zillow posting but take a very close look at the kitchen floor.
There is no doubt in my mind that there was a murder in this house. First off, the house looks creepy from the outside anyway, then you move in and look at the kitchen. In the kitchen is where you’ll find a nice. massive stain trail of blood.
According to some of the comments on the Twitter page, there hasn’t been a murder reported in this town for many years. Some people think it is from dragging dead animals across the kitchen floor.
The house does come with 9 acers, so maybe to person was a hunter.
Regardless of the what the blood stain is, I am still not buying a house that the person couldn’t take care of that before posting photos. What the hell else may you find once you move in?
I dove a little deeper and found a few more photos that have you asking questions. For example, why the hell did they putt a vent right below the toilet?
(Zillow gone wild)
Just think, if that vent is a return vent and someone misses the toilet, your house is going to smell like pee!
When you look back at the history of the house, you noticed that the last owners were only there for 6 months. That tells me that something strange went on in that house.
(Zillow Gone Wild)
When it’s all said and done, I don’t think you could pay me to move into this house.
Remember this wild local Zillow posting?