Farmer’s Almanac Predicts a Snowy Winter for Detroit
It’s that time of year again when everyone starts wondering what the winter will be like. The Farmers’ Almanac has issued its winter outlook for 2022-2023 and is predicting a snowy and cold winter, which, if true, means if you don’t have a blower, you’ll be breaking your back scraping snow off your sidewalk.
The almanac urges: “Get ready to ‘shake, shiver, and shovel!’ ” And it offers an “unreasonably cold, snowy” forecast, especially in January, for the Great Lakes region.
But then again, last year, the almanac said winter was going to be a “positively bone-chilling, below-average temperatures,” and the year before that the periodical forecast “cold and snow.” So take it with a grain of salt. Wait five minutes and the weather will change anyway…lol
Only time will tell if the Farmers’ Almanac is correct in its predictions but one thing is for sure, Detroiters know how to deal with winter weather! So whether we get a lot of snow or not, we’ll be prepared. Stay safe and warm out there!
What’s the NOAA saying for Winter? Here ya go
As it turns out, there’s some science behind our winter weather anxiety. A study conducted by the University of Michigan found that our brains are wired to be more alert to potential dangers in cold weather. In other words, our ancestors who were able to survive cold winters were those who were constantly on the lookout for any potential threats – and that instinct has been passed down through generations.
But it’s not just our cognitive abilities that are affected by the cold weather – our physical abilities are as well. A study conducted by Spine found that when our bodies are exposed to cold temperatures, our muscles tighten and we become less coordinated. This explains why so many of us feel like we’re moving in slow motion when we’re trying to shovel snow or walk on icy sidewalks.
How to Embrace Winter Weather
So now that we know why the first snow seems to throw us all for a loop, what can we do about it? The good news is that there are plenty of ways to embrace winter weather and make the most of it! Here are a few ideas:
– Get outside and enjoy the snow! Go for a hike, build a snowman, or just take some time to appreciate the beauty of winter.
– Turn off your electronics and enjoy some quality time with your family and friends. Play board games, make some hot cocoa, or just sit by the fire and chat.
– Use this time as an opportunity to try new things! Take up skiing or snowboarding, learn how to ice skate, or try your hand at making homemade soup.
– Get ahead on your holiday shopping! Take advantage of online sales and start crossing items off your list early. You’ll be glad you did when December rolls around.
– Give back to your community. There are plenty of people who could use some help this time of year – volunteer at a local soup kitchen or collect coats for a coat drive.
No matter how long we’ve lived in Michigan, the first snow always seems to catch us off guard. But why does this happen? And what can we do about it? By understanding the science behind our winter weather anxiety and embracing all that winter has to offer, we can make the most of this season – no matter how much snow falls.
Too soon to start thinking about Winter Drinks & Food?