Happy Birthday To My Son Finnian!
Yesterday was my son Finnian’s first birthday (5/7) but we celebrated it on Saturday with a baseball themed first birthday party, I wanted to share some of the photos and experiences from that day. It was truly one of the most rewarding days in my life.
For those of you who have followed my journey from a 23 year old Intern to now co-host of Big Jim’s House, you know how far I have come.
I don’t want to sound like I am pumping my own tires or anything, it’s just that this weekend was one of the most fulfilling weekends I have ever had and it was all about my son, but I am also very proud of the life I have built with my wife, dog, son and family.
Now to the cute part of the post, my son’s birthday theme was “Rookie of the Year” all about baseball and it went off without a hitch!
Here are some photos from the day:
I have more photos and will upload them shortly, I am having issues with it.
I shared some of these photos on our facebook page and I want to say, you guys are amazing! The positive and heartwarming messages really meant a lot to my wife and I. So, I want to say thank you for that. You all have truly helped us in the first year of his life and it means the world to us.
I also want to thank my wife for being an amazing person and an amazing mother. She worked for months planning this party and made it all happen!
So again, thank you all so much for the nice notes and comments on Finn’s 1st Birthday party, it was a great and awarding day!
Oh yeah, I did not smash his face into the cake!