A Stone Cold Schools Out Celebration
Videos like this are why Social Media was first created. This little kid channeled his inner Stone Cold to celebrate the end of the school year.
We know this kid from the first time we saw him enter a Hulk Hogan signing and completely take over the room. Now he is more grown up and just finished 4th grade, he decided to go out Stone Cold style.
Here is the video:
@LocalCelebLogan oh hell yeah https://t.co/63Vm5vPNax
— Big Jim’s House (@BigJimsHouse) May 18, 2023
I absolutely love this! Him being so young tells me he has parents who make sure he learns the roots of wrestling and the era that some of the best promo guys came out of.
Now here he was a few years ago when he ran into Hulk.
his hulk hogan one is 10x better pic.twitter.com/fVDcH5ggS4 his hulk hogan one is 10x better pic.twitter.com/fVDcH5ggS4
?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 18, 2023his hulk hogan one is 10x better pic.twitter.com/fVDcH5ggS4
— DJ Joey DiSarno (@DJJoeyDiSarno)his hulk hogan one is 10x better pic.twitter.com/fVDcH5ggS4
— DJ Joey DiSarno (@DJJoeyDiSarno) May 18, 2023
his hulk hogan one is 10x better pic.twitter.com/fVDcH5ggS4
— DJ Joey DiSarno (@DJJoeyDiSarno) May 18, 2023
Thanks to this post, I am reliving some of my favorite stone cold moments. Here are just a few.
This was the first time Stone Cold met The Rock.
When it comes down to it, I hope this kid keeps up this passion because I can see him becoming very popular in the WWE in the future!