Why Did You Get Your Tattoo?
Tattoos are one of those things that people feel very strongly about. Either you love tattoos or you think people are ruining their bodies. For me, I love tattoos! I think they are a way to remember someone, show your personality or just be down right goofy. Here are some other reasons people get tattoos.
There was a research project done by Pew research dot org. This shows why some people get tattoos. I have always found it interesting why people there their tattoos and he is some clarity.
I will start of by talking about my tattoo, then we will get the to study. I have a total of 6 tattoos with plans to fill up most of my arms. I have 2 that are in memory of my dad. I have a verse from honestly I don’t know where. After he passed, I saw it on a garden stone and decided to make that my first tattoo. I also have his signature tattooed on my arm. This one has a more interesting story. For about 6 years I wanted this tattoo but could never find papers with his signature on them. Finally, after looking around more and more, I found an old mortgage paper from 1994 when they bought the house I grew up in. I was able to have the artist copy the paper and create the tattoo.
Here is where the tattoos turn from heartfelt serious to very goofy. My other tattoos were all done by my brother who is not a tattoo artist. He bought a tattoo gun and started practicing, sometimes on me.
But honestly, for me its about being able to get them. I love the fact that I can really get any tattoo I want and as long as I love it, who cares.
Now enough about me. Let’s get to why other people get them.
In a new survey, 32% of tattooed adults say they got at least one of their tattoos to “improve their personal appearance.”
47% say they got a tattoo to make a statement about what they believe . . . and 69% say they got one “to honor or remember someone or something.” And only 24% of people with tattoos say they regret getting one.
Overall, 32% of Americans have a tattoo, and that same percentage goes for liberals AND conservatives . . . urban dwellers AND small town folk . . . veterans AND non-veterans.
Women (38%) are slightly more likely than men (27%) to have a tattoo . . . lower income earners (43%) are more likely than higher income (21%) . . . and LGBTQ folk (51%) are more likely than those who are straight (31%).
Here is the rest of the study: