Will There Be a Movement to Bring Back Smoking Sections . . . to Make Coffee Shops “Cooler”?
The median age of the U.S. population is 38 years old, which means that roughly about HALF of Americans remember when a worker at Pizza Hut would say, “Smoking or non-smoking?”
Americans are split 50/50 on a lot of issues . . . but smoking inside casual restaurants is something that most of us would NOT want to bring back.
There’s a new article out on “Vice” where someone makes the case for bringing smoking sections back . . . or at least relaxing the rules.
The writer says, “Smoking a cigarette indoors . . . [like at] a bar or strip club . . . is one of God’s little divine offerings. These are sacred spaces in which to partake in an ancient past-time.”
They point out that places like coffee shops probably DON’T need to have smoking sections, although “it would be a lot cooler if they did.” (???)
They also said they’d “enjoy the return of smoking sections” in restaurants.
But even if INDOOR cigarette smoking never comes back, the writer argues that big venues and attractions . . . especially outdoor ones . . . should have dedicated sections.
And that they should apply to ALL smokers, including vapers and tokers . . . so everyone has a place to go, and it can be a communal thing. (Rather than just sneaking a few puffs from your vape in the bathroom.)
On one hand, other countries are more chill about smoking . . . particularly in places like outdoor patios. And the rules here . . . especially in cities . . . may seem overboard to smokers, who are completely banned from a lot of public places, even some sidewalks.
That said, secondhand smoke IS a health hazard, and there’s a reason why there’s been such a massive movement to restrict it.