Top Ten Worst States With Technology
Do you ever have to google something about your phone or computer, and you suddenly feel really old? Well, don’t feel too bad, because a lot of people google much DUMBER things about technology.
Someone looked at the stupidest tech questions people search for online. And five of the most popular ones are: “What is a smartphone” . . . “what is a tablet” . . . “how to use a laptop” . . . and “how to tell if my computer screen isn’t working.” (???)
They also broke it down to see which states google questions like that the most. And apparently people in Vermont have NO idea what’s going on.
The ten least tech-savvy states are: Vermont . . . Wyoming . . . North Dakota . . . Alaska . . . South Dakota . . . Delaware . . . Rhode Island . . . Montana . . . New Hampshire . . . and Maine.
And the ten states where people are least likely to google dumb questions about technology are: California . . . Texas . . . Florida . . . New York . . . Ohio . . . Pennsylvania . . . Illinois . . . North Carolina . . . Michigan . . . and Georgia.
We didn’t make the top ten! Woohoo – yeah baby! Everyone sing the technology song