Adding These Eight Habits by Age 40 Can Add Two Decades to Your Life
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If someone said cutting cheese out of your diet would add a year to your life, you might say not worth it. But THIS is pretty significant: A new study identified eight habits that can add over TWO DECADES to your life if you adopt them all by age 40 . . . 24 years for men, and 21 years for women.
You’re already doing a few of them, hopefully. 24 is just the max compared to someone who does none of them.
Here are the eight things you need to do . . .
1. Exercise.
2. Don’t get hooked on opioids or pain pills.
3. Don’t smoke.
4. Manage your stress.
5. Eat a mostly plant-based diet.
6. Avoid binge drinking.
7. Get enough sleep.
8. Have friends, and maintain good social relationships.
(CNN / EurekAlert)
Jim O'Brien is the Host of "Big Jim's House" Morning Show at 94.7 WCSX in Detroit. Jim spent eight years in the U.S. Naval Submarine Service, has appeared on Shark Tank (Man Medals Season 5 Ep. 2), raised over two million dollars for local charities and is responsible for Glenn Frey Drive and Bob Seger Blvd in the Motor City. Jim's relationship with Classic Rock includes considering Bob Seger, Phil Collen from Def Leppard, Wally Palmer of the Romantics and many others good friends. Jim writes about ‘80s movies, cars, weird food trends and “as seen on TikTok” content.