Everyone Agrees It Is Time To End Daylight Saving Time
Everyone Agrees It Is Time To End Daylight Saving Time
Most people I know dislike the twice-yearly time reset. Many believe that changing the clocks is an old outdated wartime practice with more negative than positive results. According to one study, 7 out of 10 Americans today do not want to change their clocks and think it’s a bad idea. According to another 2022 study, 6 out of 10 Americans would stop fooling with the clock. It Is Time To End Daylight Saving Time
New Study Of The Effects Of Time Change
New studies show the effects on the heart. Did you know the risk of a stroke is higher just two days after the time change? So why do we still do this two times a year? Sure, this November, we get an extra hour of sleep, but who takes advantage of that anyway?
The practice of “springing forward” and “falling back” has been observed in most U.S. states for decades. Under the current daylight saving time period, most Americans lose an hour on the second Sunday of March and gain an hour on the first Sunday of November.
Does The Time Change Affect Your Pets?

Mookie The Sleepy Dog
According to the Animal Emergency & Referal Center. Daylight Savings time changes can play havoc with our schedules, but it can be especially confusing for our pets who don’t have the ability to change the time on their watch or add an extra shot of espresso to their morning drink. Check out the study findings here
The Latest On The Bill
The Senate unanimously passed the Sunshine Protection Act, which, if approved by the House and signed by the president, would make daylight saving time permanent. Easy right? Didn’t happen again the bill hasn’t moved to the president’s desk. So, in November 2023, daylight saving time would have been the new standard time. For all of us, that means later summer sunsets and later sunrises. But as per government red tape, nothing ever seems to get done. So maybe in my lifetime, we could see a chance at being normal to the Sun and Moon. And not mess with the clocks anymore or a Lions Super Bowl, whatever comes first.
What’s Going To Happen This November?
Same as it ever was. Daylight saving time ends at 2 a.m. on Nov. 5. That night, we will “fall back,” gaining an hour of sleep. Sunrise and sunset will occur about an hour earlier. We will”spring forward” one hour, losing an hour of sleep, at 2 a.m. March 10, 2024.
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