Detroit’s Tim Allen Shares A “Santa Clause” Shocker
What happened to Santa Claus in “The Santa Clause”? Our buddy Tim Allen told us about the original idea that was…well…MUCH darker than him falling off the roof. #thesantaclause did u know Tim Allens original idea to answer the question “What happened to Santa Claus in the beginning of the movie”? @New York Post | News #timallen #santa #christmasmovies
♬ original sound - Big Jim’s House
We honestly thought Tim was just messing with us – but he seemed very sincere about it. What do you think – would this have changed the entire tone of the movie? Or are we just overthinking it?
Okay…so now you know What happened to Santa Claus in “The Santa Clause” (at least the original idea).
And since we’re talking about “The Santa Clause” – who remembers the original version with this phone number reference? The New York Post ran an article about it. It’s a scene where Tim Allen’s ex gives him a slip of paper of her new man’s mother’s house. Tim’s character quips a 1-800 number that sounds slightly provocative. It turns out it was, and still is, a real sex hotline. Here’s the scene. (1-800-SPANK-ME.)
Of Note: Since the movie came out in theaters in 1994, Disney found out the hard way that it was real. Parents complained that kids were calling the number. It was also on VHS and LaserDisc versions. Later VHS, DVD, and Blu ray releases had it cut out.
Well this scene has been edited out for Disney+ users…but there’s NO WAY folks on the internet are going to NOT put this up 🙂
Of course Tim Allen is also a HUGE Detroit Lions fan – and we’re still in the doghouse with him for the stress caused when we asked him about the playoffs