Royal Oak’s Stuffed Pizza Secret
Royal Oak’s Stuffed Pizza Secret at Tania’s in Royal Oak. Have you ever tried it? Since our friends in Royal Oak are the City of the Week…we flashed back to a couple of years ago and our Restaurant Road Trips. Trying to remember who recommended it first – I’m pretty sure it was Chow Hound Detroit (and also Jason Carr)- what’s stuffed pizza? Check out the video below (and watch as velociraptor Ryan goes nuts on it)
Tania’s has been in Royal Oak for over 35 years (here’s another great review from our friends at Channel 4)
Tania’s has been part of the Royal Oak community since 1987 (it’s funny when you mention Royal Oak’s Stuffed Pizza Secret to people…there’s a pause and they go “ohhhh yeah, that’s good”). Yeah it is.
Did we mention that Royal Oak is the City of The Week? Doni put together some amazing factoids about Royal Oak that we thought you’d enjoy…here’s a little bit of her column:
Royal Oak City Roots
The Royal Oak website dates its establishment as a township on January 23, 1819. Royal Oak became a village on March 18, 1891. George A. Dondero had the honor of being the first mayor. In 1921, Royal Oak officially became a city with a fast-growing population of 6,000. Today nearly 60,000 people call Royal Oak home.
Doni’s Thoughts on the City
In addition to tons of community events throughout the year, Royal Oak offers up some delicious cuisine and shopping for items that make me love shopping IRL. Looking at the community as a whole, the DDA seems to be very involved and supportive of local shop owners which is key. In my years and years of travel with City of The Week, I will tell you that communities that have a strong support system for the local shops, do not have a lot of open space.
Today’s Royal Oak is always a great time (once you get past parking). You know what I’m talking about. The parking can be triggering. A year or so ago, Royal Oak put reverse parking in on several main strips. You now have to back into parking spots which can be a bit awkward. PRO TIP: for the love of God, use the parking decks. I don’t have to worry about getting shafted by meters or risk a fender-bender trying to back in with traffic. I love Royal Oak, but yes, I said it.