Voting Time: Ryan’s Michigan Football Tattoo
After the massive win from Michigan on Monday night in the National Championship game, Harbaugh told Brad Galli from Channel 7 that he was going to get a 15-0 tattoo. Big Jim and I were talking about it and Big Jim offered to pay for it if I got a tattoo to celebrate the Championship 15-0 season. I agreed and had our graphics guy Doug create some artwork. Now I need you to vote on your favorite.
It was a massive win for the University of Michigan and those who have supported this team through thick and thin like I have since I was six years old. It’s time to celebrate the victory, and what better way than getting something permanent on your body?
So first, let me give a little background because people constantly have this very dumb argument. Did you go to the school or play for the team? Why are you such a fan then? Here is my answer to that, all of Detroit right now is rooting for the Lions to win the super bowl, people will go absolutely crazy if they do. Did any of you play or work for the Lions? No, so with that said can we please stop pushing this stupid narrative that you can’t root for a college team unless you went to school there. Also, my mom worked for the universality for almost 20 years, and my sister still works for Michigan.
Alright, now that my venting is done, let’s get to the tattoo. I really want to get something that celebrates the historic season from the Michigan Wolverines. I posted the poll to Facebook yesterday and it is already over 200 votes. Now, it’s your time!
Below you will find the Facebook voting, just click on which artwork you think I should get.
Here is the options

Ryan is looking to get a Michigan tattoo, what do you think about this one? Cast your vote by clicking the link

What about this one? I like the Bet being part of it as that was such a big part of the end of the season for the team and fans

Here is another option. Maybe the football is a little to much but what do you think?

Here is another and the last option. Some people like this but truthfully I don’t dig the writing that much. What do you think?
If you are a tattoo artist and want to be a part of this, give us a call on the show: 248-398-9279. Obviously, we will pay for it, but I would like someone to do it who is a listeners and gets what this tattoo means to me!
Need to keep celebrating? Check back to my post from yesterday and what it means for me.

The Michigan Wolverines win the title and Ryan tells you what it means to him