Should Dennis DeYoung Reunite With Styx?
It’s not an easy question: “Should Dennis DeYoung reunite with Styx?”. Sitting at Pine Knob listening to Styx singing “Mr Roboto” and “Best of Times” (sounded great BTW), I started thinking about Dennis DeYoung – and while it was wonderful to hear Lawrence and the band treat thse songs with so much respect, my mind kept wandering back to the same thought “should Dennis DeYoung reunite with Styx”? Not WILL he, but should he?
Tough To Let It Go, But Should He?
Steve Perry has no interest in touring with Journey, and Lou Gramm isn’t interested in doing a gig with Foreigner (although we’ll see what happens at the Rock Hall this fall). But Dennis DeYoung has NEVER been shy about wanting to do one more tour with Styx. Should he?
What Did Tommy Shaw Say?
Styx singer and guitarist Tommy Shaw recently had some nice things to say in an interview about one of DeYoung’s songs, “The Best of Times,” which they still play.

This led DeYoung to comment on the interview, saying, “A quarter of a century after the fact Tommy Shaw has an epiphany. In this interview Tommy raves about ‘Best of Times,’ calling it a ‘brilliant song.’ He goes on to say that they are proud to play it.
“Well thanks, T, that’s mighty kind of you… I sure wish you would have invited me back this tour to sing this one, it is one of my favorites. In case you have forgotten there’s a bunch more that you guys are playing that I could sing and play as well, like ‘Mr. Roboto’…
“It does an old guy’s heart glad to know my ballads and my one foray into techno are still loved by so many of our fans. Think of me each night when the audience goes nuts over ‘Roboto’ and when they get all weepy over ‘The Best of Times.’ I know they will cause I’ve seen it myself countless times these past 25 years.”
So Back To The Original Question – Should Dennis DeYoung reunite with Styx?
Should Dennis DeYoung reunite with Styx? He left he band in 1999 due to medical reasons and never came back (the band allegedly didn’t want him back – we’ve all heard the Mr Roboto arguments…how JY and Tommy wanted to rock more than Dennis).
So should they do one last tour with Dennis? YES. One hundred percent yes. The Doobie Brothers with Michael McDonald are a lesson in how to do it right. It just felt comfortable to see them on stage. Styx has a special place in my heart musically, and the songwriting of Dennis DeYoung is a large part of it. Maybe for just one tour put the egos and fights aside and just tour for the fans.
Oh, this all changes if they get into the Rock Hall – then you’d HAVE to have Dennis with you on stage to perform (original lineup only, remember?)