600 Corvettes and Richard Petty – M1 Concourse in Pontiac Biggest Season EVER
So you’ve got friends who talk about the M1 Concourse on Woodward but YOU’VE never been? This is the year my friend – we’re talking Richard Petty AND 600 Corvettes. A huge season of events at M1 Concourse including:
- 7th annual Cars Under the Stars Fireworks Spectacular
- Woodward Dream Show & Festival (absolute destination event with 600 Corvettes making an American flag)
- American Speed Festival (you’ll never get closer to the most amazing collection of race cars…and they’ll be honoring Richard Petty this year)
Tickets to all events and festivals on sale now: https://m1concourse.com/calendar
Personal Reasons To Go To M1
I love this quote from Tim McGrane, CEO at M1 Concourse: “M1 Concourse has become the place to be for all to experience automotive excellence”.

The keyword in that quote is ALL. Tim and the team at M1 have worked really hard to make these events accessible to everyone – it’s really hard to explain the vibe when you come out to M1. You know how it feels when you’re going to see your favorite football team play? Walking into the stadium and knowing everyone around you is there for the same reason? It’s that vibe at M1 – young and old, doesn’t matter. We all love cars in the Motor City and these events at M1 celebrate our culture and the people who make it go (that’s YOU by the way). If you’ve never been to M1, this is the year to check it out.
What’s new this year at M1 Concourse (besides Richard Petty)?
First off, check out what’s happening to the Woodward Dream Show. It’s officially expanding and becoming the Woodward Dream Show & Festival, with the addition of a completely new Wednesday show, Corvettes on Woodward, on August 14. Red, white and blue ‘Vettes will cruise the Woodward loop in Pontiac and pull into M1 Concourse’s arena and form a huge American flag to kick off the festival that runs August 14 through 17. M1 Concourse gives cruisers the perfect space to pull off of Woodward, have good food, walk around and see other unique vehicles, and connect with the car community.
“Cruisers can be immersed in 1964 culture as the Woodward Dream Show & Festival at M1 Concourse will transform to a place filled with entertainment, three live bands playing 1960s music, a celebration of styles like the mini skirt created in the ‘60s, all in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the 1964 Pontiac GTO, complete with 64 different GTOs,” shared Brian Baker, Director of Events and Festivals at M1 Concourse.
To cap off the expansion of the Woodward Dream Show & Festival, the City of Pontiac has formally declared Friday, August 16 as Pontiac GTO Day, to mark the 60th anniversary and the spirit of the classic vehicle.
All the excitement continues this fall with the American Speed Festival, four days of fun October 3 through 6. M1 Concourse is proud to announce Richard Petty, the legendary NASCAR driver known as “The King,” as the Master of Motorsports. With a record 200 wins and seven championships, Petty’s unparalleled legacy will be celebrated, enhancing the spirit and excitement of the motorsport community at the American Speed Festival. The annual Checkered Flag Ball charity event will elevate Petty as a Master of Motorsports. Sunday the Speed and Style event will feature all cars that personify speed and style as the final ceremony of the festival. Here’s just a couple photos from last years ASF to give you a taste for it (my personal favorite event BTW):

Bottom line? There is something for the whole family at M1 Concourse’s festivals. Kids six and under are admitted for free. Discounted tickets available for seniors, active duty and retired military.
Get tickets and see the full calendar of M1 events: https://m1concourse.com/calendar.