Michigan Doesn’t Have Naughty Travel Habits – Here’s 15 to consider
Let’s be honest about naughty travel habits – when you’re getting on an airplane these days you almost expect someone to lose their minds…(had to edit that last word). Air travel etiquette is at an all time low according to a new survey that says 78% of Americans believe it’s gotten worse over the past few years. Good news is, Michigan’s not that bad (we’ll get to that in a bit).
Naughty Travel Habits – some common complaints…let’s review, shall we?
1. Putting bags on seats in the terminal (what is this middle school bus rides home? Don’t be that person)
2. Reclining your seat on the plane without asking. (I still don’t know why reclining seats are a thing on planes in coach – it’s tight enough back there in boxcar class without someone leaning back even further)
3. Not putting your phone on airplane mode. (if you’re phone goes off then put the call on speaker so we can all hear)
4. Passing gas in your seat. (never done that – but if I did you just wait until take off for the rumbling and no one will notice)
5. Leaving garbage in the seat pocket. (this falls under the not putting your shopping cart back category – don’t be a tool to people who have to clean the plane)
6. Asking people to switch seats on the plane. (you had plenty of time to figure it out before getting on the plane and holding everyone up…and don’t give me the “I didn’t know” routine…and get off my lawn)
7. Lying down in the terminal. (if it’s a packed flight, don’t do that…who raised you?)
8. Using both armrests, if you’re not in the middle seat. (middle seat gets both, always. ALWAYS)
9. Hanging or resting your legs in the aisle. (common courtesy, I’m 6’4” and if I can keep them in my seat…so can you dude)
10. Ignoring the seatbelt sign. (here’s the deal, if god forbid something happens – I don’t need your dumb ass flying all over the cabin…am I the only one who watched “Castaway” and took notes?)
11. Pushing on or kicking the seat in front of you. (I’m going to hire Beth from Yellowstone to come get you – or even better, I get her to come to your house and kick the back of your seat during dinner)
12. Drinking too much. (it’s a flight not a bar – and if you need to get that lubed up to fly, hop on a train)
13. Wearing strong cologne or perfume. (Axe body spray won’t hide the fart you let loose…see above)
14. Going barefoot on the plane. (hey Jerry Garcia, this isn’t Woodstock…if I wanted to smell corn chips I would’ve bought a bag of fritos for the flight)
15. Bringing strong-smelling food on the plane. (I once had someone eat a whopper with extra onions on a flight. Dude. Smelled awful. Okay, fine – it was me. But never again).
So where does Michigan rank by state when it comes to naughty travel habits? Here’s the top and bottom ten:
The states that have the BEST flying manners are: Arkansas . . . Alabama . . . Florida . . . Ohio . . . Kansas . . . Wisconsin . . . Michigan . . . Pennsylvania . . . North Carolina . . . and Maine.
The states with the WORST flying etiquette are: Iowa . . . Illinois . . . Virginia . . . Texas . . . Georgia . . . California . . . Washington . . . Nebraska . . . Utah . . . and Colorado.
Nebraska in the bottom ten? Really? This list just got good. And when it comes to worst behavior on a plane – can we agree it’s Samuel L. Jackson’s potty mouth when someone brings a snake with them? Dude.