Ryan’s #1 Movie Plot Twist of All-Time
I have been thinking about this a lot, after having a conversation with with my wife and mom recently. We were goin back a forth throwing movies at each other, movies we thought had the #1 plot twist of all time. Let’s see what you think.
What made this such a great conversation was the fact we kept calling out movies that we almost forgot about. It was fun going back and forth, each movie created an argument before moving onto the next.
Before I get the my favorite movie plot twist of all time, let’s go through a few of the other movies that were mentioned.
There will be spoilers below, most movies are old enough, so if you haven’t seen them that’s on you!
Christian Bale is great in the 2000 thriller. He plays a New York business man who is a serial killer by night. Or is he? Below, is a great video explaining the questions everyone has about this movie. Also, explaining why this is a great twist.
Okay, here is one that may get people fired up. It’s also why I called this on of my favorite movie plot twist! I know, some people do not love this movie, but ever since I have seen it, it’s become one of my favorites. Also, one of the best twists of all time.
What really happened to his wife, the ending of the movie proves this is one of the best twists of all time! Here is the trailer. I am hiding this one a bit because I honestly don’t think many have seen this movie.
Alright, we are almost there. I am going to give you my second ranked twist of all time, then I will tell you why it’s not number one. Here we go!
I love this movie, I really do. I think it would also be number one on a lot of people’s lists, but for me it comes in at number 2. Let me explain why. I think after finding out the ending, there were a few people I remember claiming they saw it coming. That’s why it comes in at number 2 for me.
Here is a great video I found. People’s reactions to the ending of the movie.
Now, for my #1 movie plot twist of all-time.
I really liked this movie and thought Leo got robbed from an Oscar. I never saw the twist coming and it made you rethink the entire movie.
Shutter Island came out in 2010 and instantly became an all-time thriller with an all-time ending. I just remember sitting back and thinking, what just happened!
I know we all won’t agree on these people I have above, but we can all agree that a great plot twist can absently leave you amazed and wanting more. To me, it’s one of the greatest moves a movie can make and I can’t wait for the next great plot twist!
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